09 November 2008

Weighty issues

It may be inspired or it may simply be desperate but I’ve bought a little application for my iPhone called Weightbot. Yes, folks, you can punch in your target weight and record on a day-by-day basis your dramatic weight loss, and then see it in a graph for that ultimate inspiration – oooh, just look at that downward trend. I’m hoping that it may keep me on the straight and narrow although it’s already been responsible for a minor coronary this evening as it forced me onto the scales to ascertain my starting weight. Cries of ‘No coach parties please’ resounded round the bathroom and I’ve started to look very charitably on the dogs as potential ‘siphonees’ of my meals. I will go public in this blog on my weekly pounds shed – and if I put on, you have my permission to call me a backsliding fattie.


Nev Wells said...

Good luck with the weight thing - I acquired a dog to loose weight -now I have a fat dog ;-)

Seriously I have lost a few pounds since Leia arrived, Sue on No Problem is the expert - she did realy well, its all about self control........

No chance for me then,


Now about your Iphone......

Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Thanks for your good wishes, Nev. I am an owner trying desperately to look more like her dogs...

Along with my Mac laptop, the iphone is one of my favourite toys - get one!

Nb Yarwood said...

When are you going public?

Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Well, as we're away this weekend, I will have to have an early weigh in on Friday morning. And it's only EVER going to be pounds lost that I declare...my actual weight will remain a closely guarded secret on the grounds of total shame...