Well, the good news is that the Ure didn't get beyond the wheel arches. No, only kidding, it never topped the banks thankfully, so we were spared a midnight flit in the all-together to drier, higher ground. Despite the fact that we're having to work, we're really enjoying ourselves this week. That may have something to do with the rather shameful regularity with which we are visiting the services to get our Costa fix - or the fact that dog walks are now a mere 100 yards to the exercise area where we let the hounds run wild and free while checking our emails. Yesterday the mobile office had to move to Castleford for the day and tomorrow it will return there - I prayed for views of the Aire and Calder but was rewarded for my general lack of piety in all things by a vista of rubbish bins and delivery lorries. Today was better from a scenery point of view as we went to Harrogate via a very circuitous route that allowed me to get - yes, you guessed it, two lattes from my favourite coffee shop. We even managed to park the behemoth within a two minute walk of my client, and without hitting anything - we are definitely getting better at this motorhoming lark.

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