02 July 2008

Day five

I am delighted to report that day five – and the final day – of our mini-cruise was completely uneventful. That’s just the way I’d like things to stay given the events of day four – and the dogs are in complete agreement. They don’t mind this cruising lark but would prefer it if they weren’t assaulted by honey, olive oil, Worcester sauce etc flying out of the cupboards at regular intervals. However, for Ranger, every cloud has a silver lining because in all the traumatic events of yesterday, the fridge door also flew open....

Having been bobbed around in the locks previously, I decided that I’d had enough uncertainty (understandably) and elected to use the centre line round a bollard to keep me steady. And I have to say that our progress was very much more slick and smooth and my blood pressure all the better for the change in tactics. I wonder if this technique falls foul of the purists? My habit of hanging my stern rope over the tiller pin certainly does although I’ll keep doing it just to annoy them. Their theory goes that placed there it is at greater risk of falling off and getting tangled in your prop. And putting it at your feet where it can trip you up and where you can kick it off the counter isn’t risky? As for taking it off the dolly and putting it off the slide, well, I like my ropes ready for action...I mean, has anyone actually put any of this to the test? Mine has never once been in danger of falling off as I coil it neatly and secure the loose end carefully. Surely chacun a son gout? Oh and in case you were wondering, Ranger’s gout was the luncheon meat first, followed by the boiled ham, with a couple of slices of wholemeal to finish.


Nb Yarwood said...

Well done Ranger, I imagine that when you are a dog you must take every small opportunity that life offers; a bit like the rest of us really...
N Caxton.

Erin said...

What! didn't you have a nice bottle of beer for him to wash it down with. Sounds like a near ploughmans lunch for him. Lucky boy.

Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Hey you lot, he doesn't need any more encouragement! He already thinks that the open kibble bag is an 'all you can eat help yourself' buffet. You know what they say about never standing between a hippo and water? Well, never stand between Ranger and food, well, not unless you want to be assaulted by an 80lb ball of yellow fuzz!